Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So sorry I have not posted any pictures lately! We have been busy, busy! This time of year is so crazy for me at work and I have taken up a new few hobbies. Couponing (check out and weight watchers. Yeah I know I am now a member of the chub club but I have to get this baby weight off (I'll just call it the "baby weight" instead of the cake, ice cream, and potato weight). I really enjoyed my first meeting this week and it is very encouraging. We will see how it goes! These hobbies are taking up lots of my free time. But who has free time when you have a 6 month old?!?! Anyway I am offically counting down the days until summer break begins. Can't wait!!!

Lane is 6 months old! He had his appointment on the 8th and weighed 20.8 lbs and was 27 in long. He is a big boy and quite a work out to carry around (I need to figure out how many weight watcher points he is worth! Ha! but seriously I do!) The doctor says he is perfect but tubes may be in our future. Lane just got over his 3rd ear infection since Feb. 8th. Well back to brighter news, Lane is rolling over, sitting up, talking, and reaching! He loves outside and swinging! And his red wagon. Pictures of that to come soon. It is amazing how much he has grown! Enjoy the pictures! My email is in case anyone has a comment. I think you have to have a special kind of account to comment on the actual post.

Lane LOVES his new rubber ducky tub. Can not wait to take him to the pool this summer. Sassy got him a great float for Easter. Thanks Sassy!

Lane is a side sleeper. I can never get enough of watching my little man sleep!
Ready for church!

Hanging out with Dad!

I love swinging! This was taken a while ago. He has not worn the gloves or hat lately.